Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Virtual Reality Paper

Jonathan Sheldon

Dr. Mark Bannatyne

CGT 101

29 September 2009

The Catalyst

Imagine walking on the surface of the moon, swimming through the deepest depths of the ocean, or fighting through a zombie-infested wasteland. Virtual reality is the key that will unlock the imaginations of millions to be experienced as if it was actually happening. I believe virtual reality will be a catalyst allowing computer graphics to grow and evolve into a truly realistic experience possibly changing the world along with it. Virtual reality has been in existence for many years, but thanks to the growth in technology, virtual reality has evolved into a powerful piece of technology.

Virtual reality is an awesome tool used almost everywhere. Virtual reality has begun to grow in the medical field as a form of training. Medical students can now practice and hone his of her skills on a virtual patient than on a cadaver or a real patient. With virtual reality instructors can create almost any medical situation imagined to truly prepare students for situations that may not be in a textbook. I believe that this is important because I can feel better knowing that my doctor has a lot of hands on experience straight out of the classroom.

Virtual reality is also being used to explore the ocean and areas that are unsafe to human life. Cameras can be placed on unmanned submarines allowing explorers to see and experience a shipwreck without having to be there. This also allows the explorers to assess whether it is safe or not to go down in person or continue to experience the wreckage virtually. These are only a couple uses of virtual reality, but there are many more being researched and tested expanding the reach of computer graphics and virtual reality.

In my opinion the holodeck from the Star Trek series is the next step in virtual reality. Why go outside when a trip to the moon is in the living room? Once virtual reality expands to something like the holodeck computer graphics and virtual reality will affect people’s everyday lives. I believe the virtual vacation will be one of the greatest innovations in virtual reality. Mars, the Grand Canyon, and just about anywhere else imaginable will be at the grasps of everyone. I believe virtual vacations will be an amazing step in virtual reality, but I believe virtual entertainment will be the greatest advancement in virtual reality.

Over the years companies have tried to create virtual video games and movies but they have not been the greatest evolution in virtual reality. Virtual video games will allow the user to feel as if he or she is actually apart of the action, aiming and running around trying to survive a zombie infested wasteland for example. Virtual movies will make the audience apart of the overall experience or even apart of the storyline itself.

Virtual reality is extremely important to computer graphics. It has placed computer graphics in many different fields from medicine to gaming and exploration to vacation. I believe that once virtual reality has grown into adulthood not only will computer graphics be affected but society as a whole. Virtual reality will improve society making it a better place. It will allow society to grow and evolve unlike anything before it. Innovations in technology will expand society and the virtual reality experience. I know that virtual reality is the catalyst that will rocket computer graphics into a newer and brighter future evolving and changing society along with itself.

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